2-Week Wait Workshop (virtual)
The dreaded 2 week wait! This period of time can be anxiety ridden for many facing infertility. During this workshop, attendees will learn relaxation exercises, affirmations and other practical tools to cope with the 2 week wait.
Coping with Infertility Workshop (virtual)
The challenges of infertility are often isolating, exhausting, and emotionally draining. This workshop will provide an opportunity to receive support in a community of others along a similar path, gain education on coping tools and process emotional needs around your fertility journey.
Identity and Purpose Grief Workshop (virtual)
Have you struggled with finding direction and purpose again after the death of a loved one? Have you had challenges in connecting with who you are now after loss? The death of a loved one impacts our view of how we see ourselves and our future. This workshop will provide opportunities to find clarity, direction, and meaning after the loss of a loved one. This workshop is for those whose loved one died at least 6 months ago.
*Please inquire if you are interested in joining one of these workshops.